The Lock Up Helps Make New Year’s Resolutions a Cinch

2016 Resolutions

2016-resolutionsWho would’ve thought that a self storage facility could help you realize your New Year’s resolutions? The Lock Up Self Storage did! We believe you can do whatever you set your mind to and we want to be an integral part of your success. Here are a few ideas how we can make your promises to yourself become reality.

  • Start Your Dream Business
    For those of you who are considering finally going into business for yourself, The Lock Up is there for you! If you’re going to start from home and need to convert the guest bedroom into your office, you can move your extra furniture into a climate controlled self storage unit until your business takes off and you can move into your own office. Or, if you’re ready to take the plunge and set up shop, a self storage unit is a great place to store extra inventory, paperwork and seasonal displays.
  • Get In Shape
    We realize that time is limited and that sometimes there just isn’t enough of it to fit a trip to the gym into your busy lifestyle. So we suggest bringing the gym to your home so you have no excuse to run on a treadmill or ride your recumbent bike. It’s easy and affordable to rent a self storage unit in order to clear some space out in your basement, guest bedroom or even your living room. Wouldn’t you rather get in a good cardio workout than stare at the clutter in your home? Your body will thank you.
  • Organize Your Home and Office
    Decluttering is one of the most popular resolutions that people make, and for good reason. Many studies have shown that productivity and overall happiness rise with organization. Moving items such as boxes of past taxes, seasonal clothing, and furniture that you don’t have space for but cannot part with, into storage will free your living and working space up so that you can focus on the important things, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of organizing. Let The Lock Up Self Storage be your ally in your quest to live clutter free!

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions that The Lock Up Self Storage can help to actualize? Share them with us here! And be sure to secure your self storage unit today at