Storage Hacks for the Ladies


Inside the modern closet 3d renderingWhether you’re a grown woman, a teenager, or a little girl, you’ve probably got a collection of odds and ends that are difficult to organize. Things like purses, jewelry and beauty products tend to multiply and prove difficult to store in ways that don’t conceal what you have. Keeping things in your line of sight will keep you using them, instead of hidden deep in the closet, forgotten and never to be seen again. We’ve collected some storage hacks that help keep you organized, stylish and cut down on the time it takes to get ready.

  • Purses
    Handbags to clutches and everything in between can prove to be unwieldy and difficult to keep in order. For small clutches, use a kitchen lid rack to keep them lined up alongside each other. For larger bags with straps, put shower curtain rings on the bottom of a hanger so you can hang groups of purses together.
  • Boots
    Tall boots taking up valuable floor space? Do they flop over and get creases in them? Here’s the hack: Pant Hangers. The two clips pin the boot tops together and the boots hang straight. Boom.
  • Jewelry
    There are as many ways to organize jewelry as there are jewelry styles. Here are two easy hacks that you probably have in the house already. Slip bracelets over a glass pop bottle – they look pretty like that and you’ll be able to see all your bracelets at once. Use an ice cube tray (or if your collection is huge, several!) to sort small pieces like earrings or pendants. It’ll help to keep chains from tangling too.
  • Nail Polish
    Create a little manicure station with a wall mounted spice rack. You’ll be able to see the rainbow of colors you have, plus you can glue a magnet to the top so you can store your nail clippers and file to the rack.
  • Bath Products
    If you have a shower stall in your home, you may have limited storage space. Get an over the door towel hanger, place it on the shower door and hang clips along the bar. This lets you hang your bath products at eye level and keeps them off the floor.

These five hacks will save you time and sanity because you won’t have to tear apart the house looking for your favorite things when you want them.

Have some handy life hacks like these to share? We’d love to hear them!

If you need somewhere to store all your extra goodies until you need them, be sure to visit to secure a self storage unit today!


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