The Lock Up Alternative To Yard Sales

Yard Sale

Summertime is an active time of year. Kids are in and out with their friends, guests come to visit, family parties and bbq’s are in full swing. In an effort to tidy up for house guests, many of us realize that we have accumulated a lot of extra stuff that gets in the way. Often, this clutter ends up getting shoved into a spare room, attic, basement, or garage with all the good intentions of dealing with it later. Thoughts of selling the items at a yard sale or online are usually the idea behind hanging onto all the clutter. And perhaps you will, one day. But for now, the clutter is still cluttering up your home. Well, we at The Lock Up have a suggestion. You guessed it! A Lock Up Self Storage unit is the perfect place to move all the items that you don’t use and that are using up valuable space in your home.

Simply go to and find the right sized unit for your needs and you can actually reserve it right online! Leasing a new storage unit from The Lock Up comes along with the added perk of the free use of a move in truck. Now all you have to do is gather up all the old CD racks, books, furniture, boxes of old clothes, and toys the kids have outgrown, pack them into the truck and move them into your unit. There are even hand carts in each Lock Up location to help move your items easily.

Here is the part where you get to make good on your good intentions of dealing with it later. Once all your items are in your storage unit, decide what items you actually want to sell, donate, or store and group them together.

Obviously, you will keep the items that you want to store for future use. For the items that you would like to donate, arrange a time for your charity to pick up the items from your unit.

For items that you would like to sell, photograph them and decide on a price. You can list the items on any platform that you feel comfortable with such as a local online group or something like Ebay. The great thing about having your items in a Lock Up storage unit is that you can have people come to The Lock Up location which is safe and secure, rather than having strangers come to your home to buy your items.

If you are in need of a self storage unit to make way for the fun of summer, visit us at today and find great savings on the unit of your choice!