How to Move Your Office: Office Moving Tips and More


You just found out that your job is moving locations. Not only does this mean you need to learn a new path for your commute (and hopefully it’s a shorter one), but it also means that you need to move your office space. Even if your company is hiring movers, you will still need to do prep work so that the transition is smooth and so that you’ll know where all of your important documents are in order to keep your workflow out of chaos. Here are a few office moving tips to help you during such a time.

  • As with all moves, the best place way to start is by removing the clutter. Box up all your personal items that make your space your home away from home. This will allow you to focus on the business at hand…the business of moving your business.
  • Once the clutter is cleared, begin the chore of sorting through your filing cabinet. If your company has a policy that requires you to do this regularly, that’s great. But if you have years of paperwork flooding your filing cabinet, now is the time to whittle it down to the essentials for your new space. Sort your paperwork into three piles: To Take, To Shred, To Recycle.
    Box up all of your “To Take” documents and clearly label them with your name, position and your office number (if applicable).
  • The next place to tackle is your desk. You’ll want to have a box designated for your current project or important papers that you’ll need to have access to during the move. Consider this box your “carry on luggage” during your move. If you have certain stamps, files or discs that you need to have on hand during a normal workday, this will be their safe spot during the move.
  • You’ll want to find out what size space you’ll be moving into so that you can make executive decisions as to what items will be left behind or brought with you.
  • The last thing you’ll want to pack up is all of your equipment. Printers, faxes, phones, laptops, desktop computers, monitors, keyboards, hard drives, etc. You’ll likely be using these up until or close to the actual moving day. Be prepared for the day that you break all the equipment down by having a box for all cords. Use masking tape on each cord and clearly label what the cord goes to…maybe even where it gets plugged. The less you have to figure out when re-setting up your office, the quicker you can get back to work.

If you have any other suggestions or office moving tips on how to pack up, please share them with us here!

And if you find you won’t have space for all of your office until final renovations are made in the new office, you can always store your extra stuff with the nearest Lock Up Self Storage facility. We offer office furniture storage,  secure storage units, climate controlled storage and more. Find a location today.

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