How to Get Your Home Ready for Fall

Getting House Ready for Fall

Things to Think About – Getting Your Home Ready for Fall

Everybody loves fall. It’s that time of the year where the air begins to change and colors burst throughout the neighborhoods. It brings about a certain feel in your home and reminds you that the holidays are inching closer every day. It’s a time for family, friends and celebrations. It’s hard not to smile as you watch your family enjoying the brisk air and falling leaves and even though it gets colder outside, it always feels warmer inside. While these feelings can lead you to put some responsibilities aside, it’s important to remember to take care of things around your home. That’s why we recommend getting your home ready for fall while it’s still nice out.

Everybody knows that during fall, temperatures begin to drop and days get shorter and shorter. It is a reminder that winter is just around the corner. This is why it is important to take advantage of the last days of summer in order to get your home ready for fall and the harsh winter months that follow. We encourage you to take care of a few little things while you can in order to save yourself some hassle (and discomfort) down the road. Preparing for fall can make a huge difference for you, your family and even your home.

While most of the things you can do to prepare are easy to handle on your own, if you feel like you need some help never be afraid to call a professional. Regardless of whether you decide to DIY or hire someone, here are a few steps that we recommend you take in order to get your home ready for fall.

1. Protect Your Summer Furniture

One of the best things about summer is the chance to spend time outdoors with your friends and family. We spend hours barbequing outside with friends and family, trying to soak up all of the sun and warmth that we can. We invest in patio furniture, yard games and expensive grills. We love our outdoor patio accessories, which is why we need to protect them when the weather gets harsh.

We recommend moving everything to a weatherproof storage unit, especially if you don’t have enough space in your home. It’s a small investment considering the price of furniture, grills and all of your favorite summer gear. Storing your things properly is the perfect way to make everything last for years to come. You can check out some of our storage units at The Lockup in order for fast and easy solutions to all of your storage needs.

2. Check Your Roof

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense and should never be neglected. Doing a visual inspection is an easy way to avoid costly repairs or uncomfortable nights during the fall and winter. If you don’t, you risk having to deal with leaky roofs and high-energy bills until the weather is warm enough to have them safely fixed.

Check the shingles to make sure that they are not damaged, loose or missing. If you see signs of mold, make sure to get it taken care of before the rain and cold sneak up on you. You should also check inside your attic for any holes or visible damage. If you need help with your inspection, or if you find anything that needs attention, don’t be afraid to call a professional.

3. Pay Attention to Your Yard

Your yard is one of the first things that people see. It helps set the stage for your home, inside and out. When spring comes, and it’s time to start landscaping again, it’s important to have prepared properly to save time, money and your sanity.

The first thing to do is make sure you remove any chance for pipes to freeze. Drain your hoses and disconnect them from the main water source, then shut the water source off. You should also shut off any faucets that are housed outside and drain your sprinkler system.

This time of the year is also a great time to give your trees, bushes and shrubs one last trimming before the leaves fall and the snow comes. It will help you decrease the amount of maintenance you need to do once fall hits and make it easier to pick back up when spring comes. Fertilizing your lawn before fall and winter using a special fall fertilizer can help minimize the damage that winter causes. Simply ask your local gardening center for their recommendations.

One other thing that you can do to help make things easier is to put your yard equipment that you won’t be using into storage. Any flowerpots, gardening supplies or hoses can be transferred to a storage unit in order to keep clutter to a minimum. Putting these things into storage helps make more space for things that matter during the holidays. We recommend emptying and cleaning any gardening supplies before storing them for the easiest transitions in the spring.

4. Give Your Gutters Some Attention

As you inch towards colder weather, it’s important to remember the damage that water can have on your home. This is especially important as the weather begins to change and the leaves begin to fall.

When leaves start falling, your gutters and downspouts can get clogged. This can cause water to collect in your gutters and will lead to a much higher likelihood of damage. When water can’t make it away from your home, it will start to seep through any small holes or cracks. This means that the more water that collects around your home or on your roof, the more likely that it will end up finding a way inside.

When you allow leaves to gather, you are also creating a perfect nesting ground for potentially damaging pests. Once the weather gets colder, they will try and find a way into your attic and can cause a lot of internal damage. This is why we recommend taking the time (even though we know how time consuming it can be) to clean your gutters regularly before and throughout fall. You can also find some different products online or at your local hardware store that can be installed to prevent the backup of leaves while still allowing water to pass through.

5. Change Up Your Décor

One of the best things about fall is the decorating that comes with it. Warm colors and holiday décor begin to emerge and makes your home feel welcoming and full of love. With all of the new decorations you’ll need to make room for, you’ll want to store your summer and spring belongings.

In order to organize everything and keep it out of the way, you can always rent a storage unit! This is especially important if you don’t have as much storage space in your home as you’d like. Removing any non-seasonal clutter helps your fall décor stand out and gives everything else a little bit more room to make an impact.

Renting a storage unit also allows you to put away your summer clothes to make more room for the warm sweaters and winter coats.

6. Interior Maintenance

One thing that can completely ruin the feeling of fall is having a cold home or a high-energy bill. Make sure that your home is well insulated before the weather hits to avoid expensive repairs and uncomfortable nights. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, gaps in caulk and weather-stripping can account for a 10% rise in your energy bills1.

All you need to do is check the caulking around any windows or doors to make sure there are no cracks or gaps that could allow air to get in or out. An easy trick to do this is to take a candle and slowly move it around the edges of windows and doors. If you see a flicker in the flame, then it is most likely due to a draft from a gap somewhere. You can also check vents that lead to your exterior as well as any outdoor piping.

Another thing that will save you time and frustration is to make sure that if you have central air conditioning, that you winterize it. You might have to cover the unit for winter in order to avoid any long-term damage or store any units that are removable. If you need help, or are unsure of how to do this, stop by your local hardware store and ask a professional.

However you decide to prepare your home for fall, remember that The Lockup offers great services to store your out-of-season things. Remember, you can always rent a self storage unit at
