Monday, May 6, 2024
People rent self storage units for an endless number of reasons. Maybe you’re looking for some extra space, need a place to put precious antiques, are expanding a business, or have a collection that needs optimal storage conditions. More...
Ever since we were young, we created things. It offered hours of entertainment and a finishing sense of pride that was incomparable. As we grew up, we didn’t loose this sense of creation. Instead, it shifted from finger painting...
Change is good. It helps us move through life and adapt to our surrounding circumstances. But change doesn’t have to be huge. Sometimes, all you need is a little tweak to your interior decorating. In fact, one of the...
When winter comes, it comes with a fury. Temperatures fall below zero, rain turns to snow or sleet or slush, and we have to say goodbye to our summer of fun and activities. With goodbyes comes one problem, where...
If you have a spare room in your home, chances are you’ve thought of renting it out at some point or another. If so, that’s great but keep in mind that renting out a room in your...
Get familiar with the Lock Up Self Storage in Bonita Springs, Florida!
Whether you’re looking to move or just wanting to start the warmer months off with a clean home, spring cleaning is the perfect time to start things off on the right foot. Unfortunately, a lot of people just don’t...
The Lock Up's self storage units are climate controlled and offer customers a safe and efficient storage experience. Benefits to customers include climate controlled storage units, state-of-the-art security, heated unloading bays, free move-in truck and great customer service.
There are a significant number of Americans who are currently actively involved in the military—close to 1.4 million people to be exact.1 Of that number, almost all of the families, at some point or another, will have to deal...
Learn about the new app features designed to make your Lock Up experience better.