Organizing Life Hacks with Household Objects Part 1

Get Organized Part 1

get organized part 1

If the new year has you looking around your home and feeling like you need to get things organized, this two part series is for you. The Lock Up understands that organizing is imperative when you’re dealing with “stuff”…we also recognize that some “stuff” can actually come to the rescue while organizing other “stuff”. So, we’ve gathered life hacks together that will help you get your home in order.

  • Wine Rack
    If you don’t keep wine around long enough to store on your wine rack, repurpose it! Wine racks are great for organizing your clutch purses, and if it’s a nice design, it can serve as a towel holder in your bathroom. Simply roll the towels and place in each rung.
  • Velcro
    If you don’t already have this in your home, you need it. Velcro is the ultimate organizing tool. Use it everywhere to secure items in place, or to create a holding spot for an item so that it doesn’t get lost. We like the idea of placing a bit of velcro on items that have a remote control…that way the two can stay together, even during storage.
  • Ice Cube Trays
    Organize your messy drawers with ice cube trays (there always seems to be one too many of them in the freezer anyway). They’re great for small items like jewelry, craft items or desk items.
  • Paper Towel Holder
    Instead of a roll of paper towels, place all your ribbons onto the spindle. Voila! Instant storage and easy access.
  • Hanging Shoe Organizer
    Don’t limit yourself to placing shoes in these handy life organizers. Use one in the pantry to store your extra paper towel rolls (much more convenient than how they’re packaged when you buy them in bulk). These shoe organizers are also perfect for your front closet because they can organize scarves, gloves and hats in the winter.

Have an organizing life hack that uses something you already have in your home? Share them with us here!

And if you’re looking to store any of your own belongings in a self storage unit, visit to secure a unit today.