Pre-Thanksgiving Life Hacks


Thanksgiving-TableThanksgiving is the best time to enjoy a fantastic meal in the company of your friends and family. But before you get to the eating part, you must do the prep. If you’re hosting a large number of people, getting a jump start on things you can do ahead of time can help make the actual day more enjoyable. We’ve put together a few life hacks that you can do ahead of the big day. You’ll be thankful you did!

  • Clear the clutter
    To make room for everyone in your home, you might need to clear out extra stuff. A Lock Up Self Storage unit can be a great help during the holidays. Store any clutter and even extra furniture like bookcases to make more room in your home.
  • Set It and Forget It
    Setting the table is an easy thing to do before the big day and will save you lots of time. Here are some fun decorating ideas:

    • Recycle Halloween
      Have pumpkins leftover from Halloween? Spray paint them gold and place a lovely bouquet of flowers inside to create a unique centerpiece.
    • Honor Your Guests
      Create special place holders for each guest that will add a special touch to your Thanksgiving table by bringing the outside in. Take some fall leaves and spray paint them a complimentary color to your table setting. When dry, use a marker to handwrite each guest’s name and lay on top of their place setting.
    • Tie One On
      Choose some fall colored ribbons, wrap around the backs of your chairs and tie into lovely bows. It will add a pop of color and festive feeling to your celebration.
  • Kitchen Prep
    • Make space in your fridge by placing lesser used items into a large cooler filled with ice packs. You’ll be amazed at how much space you’ll have!
    • Make the stuffing the night before. Place it in the extra shelf you now have in the fridge, and on Thanksgiving, all you have to do is throw it in the oven to bake.
    • Buy two turkeys instead of one large turkey. The general rule of thumb is to have one pound of turkey per guest. If you’re having 15 people, get two 10 pound turkeys and you’ll not only have more succulent meat that’s cooked to perfection, but you’ll also have plenty of leftovers to send home!

If you have any ideas for pre-Thanksgiving preparation, we’d love to hear them!

And if you need a self storage unit to make room at home for holiday festivities, visit to secure a unit today!