Artists: The Lock Up Self Storage Units Can Help Fuel Creativity


Are you an artist? Do you find yourself tippy-toeing around your studio because your creations are taking over? Don’t let your art keep you from making more. Rent a Lock Up Self Storage unit and make more space for your creativity to flourish.

Many artistic mediums result in large pieces. Think sculptors, installation artists and large framed prints of photographer’s photos or large canvases done by painters. Often, such artists work on a comprehensive collection at one time. This means they are creating a number of art pieces for a particular showing or event. And they usually work for a significant period of time on a collection. Once a piece is finished, the studio needs to be cleaned and prepped for the next creation. Let The Lock Up Self Storage store your finished pieces so that you can start fresh, with a clean slate, if you will.

With a large variety of self storage unit sizes, you will be able to find the perfect fit for storing your artwork at The Lock Up. And, you can rest assured that your priceless pieces will be safe and secure. Each Lock Up location has 24 hour video monitoring as well as electronic coded access. Another way to make sure your art is safe is by choosing a climate controlled self storage unit. This will ensure that your art will be protected from excessive heat and moisture; something your studio may not be able to provide.

Worried about getting your artwork in and out of your self storage unit? No need for worries, The Lock Up has you covered, literally. Many Lock Up locations feature covered loading bays so that you and your artwork are protected from rain, sleet or snow. The elevators are large so you can haul your biggest pieces into your unit, no problem. Additionally, The Lock Up Self Storage provides very artist-friendly access hours. Some drive up units even boast 24 hour access (check with your Lock Up location to find access hours).

Don’t let cramped quarters cramp your style. Free up valuable studio space and give yourself room to create by letting The Lock Up help.

Call 866.327.LOCK or visit for more information on securing your unit today.

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