5 Autumn Life Hacks

autumn leaves

autumn leavesAutumn is upon us. The leaves are turning colors and starting to fall, the temperatures are dropping and pumpkin flavored everything abounds. We at The Lock Up want to share a couple of autumn life hacks to make this season’s transition easier. Here are five life hacks that we can get behind.

  1. DIY Leaf Blower
    Make cleaning up leaves a breeze this year by using or investing in a shop vac. First, shop vacs are great for cleaning up wet messes, but they can double as a blower as well. Here’s how: remove the shop vac motor from the base. Take the hose out of the vacuum port on the shop vac. Insert the hose in the exhaust port of the shop vac, and when you turn it on, you’ll have a DIY leaf blower. You can even buy some cheap PVC pipe to extend your reach, add a U shaped piece of PVC to the end and blow out the debris in your gutters!
  2. Boot Storage
    Keep rain and mud off your floors by creating a space to put your boots where they can drain and dry. Take a flat tray with a rim and fill with decorative small rocks or gravel. Fun tip: as kids bring home rocks (like kids do), they can add them to the tray so they can see them everyday.
  3. Spin it right
    Now that the weather is turning more crisp, it’s time to turn on the heat. Just be sure that all your ceiling fans are set on the reverse setting (clockwise). This will push the warm air that rises to the ceiling and cause it to circulate in your rooms, keeping you warmer.
  4. Fight the Frost
    Temperatures will start getting low enough to cause frost to form on your windshield overnight. Here’s a tip: when parking your car, be sure to face it east so that the sun can defrost for you!
  5. DIY Toddler Leggings
    Even though it’s getting chilly out, your little girls may still want to wear a skirt here and there. If you’re facing a tantrum while getting dressed because of this, keep their little legs warm by taking a pair of your thick/warm knee high socks and cutting off the feet. Then simply slide them onto your toddler’s legs so that the tops of the socks are at the bottom and voila…you have fashionable leggings so she can wear her skirt, be warm, and end the tantrum.

We hope these simple life hacks make your transition into fall a fun one!

And of course, if you need a self storage unit to store all your summer goodies, or just to make space in your home or office, you can lease a space anytime at www.thelockup.com!