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Seasonal Clothing Swap Tips


When the temperatures begin to drop, the warmer clothes begin to emerge from the recesses of our closets. The transitioning from warm weather clothes to fall/winter clothing doesn’t have to be traumatic. Here are a few clever tips on how to organize your closet and have a smooth transition from season to season.

  • Hanging clothes. Instead of having to fold each item and place them into a bin for storage, purchase a rolling clothes rack that has a cover. You can keep all of your clothes on hangers and simply switch out racks of seasonal clothing.
  • Folded clothes. All of the items you have in drawers take up precious storage space when it’s time for them to be displaced for the next season. Here’s an idea: purchase a set of vacuum sealed storage bags. These are durable plastic bags that can take a stack of clothes and turn it into a practically hermetically sealed flat storage container. This makes it so easy to store clothes, they’re protected from the elements and once you open the bag, everything is still as fresh as the day you sealed it in there.
  • Boots. Every woman has a pair (or three) of tall boots. The problem with these kinds of boots is that when you’re not wearing them, they tend to flop over which can cause unsightly wrinkles or bends in the material they’re made from. An easy fix is to take two old magazines you have lying around, roll them up tightly and insert one into each boot. This will keep your boots standing tall, ready and at attention for your next rendezvous.

If you have any crafty or ingenious storage tips, share them here, we’d love to hear them! And if you’re looking for a clean, secure and convenient self storage facility to stash your summer gear for the winter, go to to find the Lock Up Self Storage facility nearest you.

Self Storage Auctions for November 2012



*Auction dates and times subject to change. Call store manager for details.

Spotlight on The Lock Up in Minneapolis, MN


Built in 2008 and near three major highways, The Lock Up Self Storage in Minneapolis, Minnesota is the ideal self storage facility for residents and businesses alike: modern, clean and easily accessible. And if you happen to be a student of the University of Minnesota, you don’t need to look any further than The Lock Up Minneapolis for your storage needs.

Located five minutes from downtown, The Lock Up Minneapolis boasts four floors of 850 fully climate controlled self storage units. This allows tenants the opportunity to be able to find the right sized unit to suit their needs. All of the hallways are carpeted and the climate controlled units are perfect for storing even your most delicate items because the temperature and humidity levels are kept at constant and optimal levels.

Security is a top priority at The Lock Up. With 24 hour security camera monitoring and electronic coded access, you and your belongings are ensured a safe stay.

Weather can often be unpredictable in Minnesota. But Lock Up tenants can rest assured that loading and unloading their items will never be an issue during storms because of their large indoor loading bay. You can just pull your car or truck right in, unload inside and take either of the two large passenger elevators to your storage unit.

Be sure to enquire about the free move in truck when you sign up for a new lease. This is particularly helpful to students who may not have a car while away at college. Another great aspect of The Lock Up is that they will accept deliveries for you. So moving to a new area and having items shipped there before you’re settled is never a problem if you’re a Lock Up tenant and is yet another way that The Lock Up looks out for you when you need help.

Reserve online and save up to 30% on your self storage needs from The Lock Up, Minneapolis!

How to Store Jewelry


Jewelry is a luxury that most women and many men afford themselves. It’s a way to be able to show who you are to the world. But if you’re like most people, all your jewelry is probably tangled up in a drawer somewhere, never to be worn or seen again. Our goal at The Lock Up Self Storage is to make your life easier by providing ways to keep your life organized, so here are some tips to help you organize your baubles:

  • Invest in a jewelry armoire. These are great if you have a diverse collection of jewelry such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, watches, tie tacks and earrings . Usually there are ring holders in one section, sectioned off drawers for smaller pieces and hooks for necklaces so that they don’t get all tangled together. Nothing is worse than trying to de-tangle a mess of chains!
  • If you can’t find a jewelry armoire, or they’re too expensive…use a tackle box or an art box. These usually have a few layered shelves that are perfect for laying out your jewelry pieces. If you must place a bunch of chains in one shelf, use a couple of twist ties to tie the top and bottoms together. This prevents the chains from turning into a tangled nest.
  • Get creative. Find fun things to hang or drape your jewelry over so that they act as decoration for your space while also effectively displaying your lovely baubles. Drape longer necklaces over the corner of a mirror or hang decorative hooks on the wall to accommodate your necklaces. Keep old jars and find cool vintage glassware…these are great to hang earrings on!
  • Keep your original jewelry boxes. Often they have anti-tarnish material in them and it is a great way to ensure that you have a home for your jewelry piece.
  • Keep silver jewelry that you don’t wear every day in sealed plastic bags and stored in a dark, dry area. This will keep it from oxidizing and save you from having to polish it every time you pull it out of storage. But, of course, the best thing for silver jewelry is to wear it. The oils from your body keep the high points polished while allowing the deeper crevices to develop a nice patina.
  • For storing truly expensive jewelry, we recommend using a safe in your home or a safety deposit box in a bank.

We hope these tips will help you to keep your jewelry tangle free and looking beautiful for years to come!

If you need a self storage unit, be sure to visit

First Time Self Storage Guide


While self storage may seem simple initially, many people find a number of speed bumps as they pack their unit for the first time. What is climate-controlled storage? How can I fit all this stuff in here? Do I need a moving truck?

For this section, we’ve collected a number of the most common questions we receive from first-time self storage users and tried to provide thorough information. Along with answers to your questions, you’ll also find links to further information on our site that may be able to assist you. If you’re new to self storage and you have a question specific to your situation, don’t hesitate to call us at (866) 327-LOCK.

How do I know what size storage unit to buy?

We know you don’t want to have to pay for a storage unit that is any bigger than it has to be. But how do you know what size to rent before you start packing? Your first step should be to evaluate just how much you need to store. Most people underestimate their needs, so be sure to write down everything you plan on storing. Next, use our storage unit size guide to find the right unit for you. We have a variety of options to choose from, so use our guide, talk to a storage representative and choose the right storage unit for you.

Do I need climate-controlled self storage?

All of The Lock Up’s storage facilities feature climate-controlled self storage units. Climate-controlled self storage is important because many items like furniture, photographs, recorded media and electronics can be damaged by extreme heat or cold. Learn more about the benefits of climate-controlled self storage.

How do I get my items to the self storage unit?

We want to make your self storage experience as smooth and painless as possible. Because of this, The Lock Up offers free use of a moving truck to first-time customers. Using our truck, you can cut the time of your move dramatically. The Lock Up also offers drive-up storage units, an indoor loading bay and full-size passenger elevators to make moving that much easier.

What type of moving storage supplies do I need?

The Lock Up offers the best prices on moving storage boxes and supplies, so you can bring your own or buy from us. Learn more about the moving supplies available at The Lock Up. Depending on your needs, you may be able to use:

  • Bubble wrap
  • Box cutters
  • Newspaper
  • Packing tape
  • Gloves
  • Furniture covers
  • Labels and markers

How can I get the most out of my self storage unit?

By packing your items with care, you can keep everything safe while paying for the smallest possible storage unit. We’ve created a practical storage tips section, but briefly, you can get the most out of your storage unit by:

  • Fill containers to capacity. Partially full and bulging boxes are much more likely to collapse or tip over.
  • Use shelves to make the most of your unit’s height.
  • Leave a walkway to the rear of your unit for better accessibility.
  • Place frequently used items near at the front of your unit.
  • Disassemble any items you can.

Call one of our self storage experts at (866) 327-LOCK for more help with your self storage or to rent a storage unit near you.

Lock Up Self Storage Auction for October 2012


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*Auction dates and times subject to change. Call store manager for details.

Hot Tips for Cooler Weather


As the days get shorter, there are certain things that need to be addressed to ensure that we’re ready for the upcoming cold weather. Autumn is the perfect time to take care of all the home and personal changes that need to occur before the bitter cold of old man winter descends upon us. Here are some tips on how to get yourself, your family and your home ready for the months of hibernation ahead.

  • Switching clothes
    It’s sad but true, the days of sandals, shorts and swimwear are mostly behind us, and unless we luck out and have an Indian Summer for a few days, these items will need to be packed away until next summer. Be sure to wash all your summer duds before you pack them away. And likewise, when you pull all your warmer wear out of storage, make sure to give everything a good wash.
  • Putting away outside furniture
    Most patio and lawn furniture cannot withstand the harsh elements that winter brings with it. So, now that fall is here, it’s time to start wiping all the dirt and grime of summer days off of your outside furniture. Storing furniture with caked on dirt will just make it that much more difficult to keep it looking good for years to come. If you’re storing the pieces in your garage, start making room for it now so that you’re not scrambling to do so come the first snowfall. Can anyone say “garage sale”?
  • Storing summer toys
    All summer toys with engines and/or wheels need a little TLC before they get stored away. Be sure to wash them down, change the oil, empty gas tanks and fill tires for their long winter hibernation.
  • Winterizing your home
    If you have a “drafty old house” like George in It’s a Wonderful Life, now is the time to address those cracks and crevices. Many fillers and caulk don’t cure properly in frigid temperatures, so take advantage of autumn’s milder temperatures and be sure to caulk along windows and doorways where needed. This will help you stay warmer and keep your heating bill lower.

The Lock Up Self Storage is there for your winter storage needs. Whether you’re storing packed up summer clothes, your chaise lounge from your patio, or your jet ski, the Lock Up has a self storage unit that can hold it.

Go to for information on how to get a self storage unit for your summer stuff.

How To Store Important Documents


What’s the one thing that a place of business and a home have in common? The answer: stacks of papers that should be sorted and stored out of sight.  It’s a common plight that we all experience. Letting the piles get out of hand makes the job seem more daunting than it needs to be. Tackle those stacks and you’re office space or home will seem less cluttered and less stressful. Here are some tips on what documents should be stored and how to do it.

  • Difficult to replace documents
    Some items are one of a kind or difficult to replace and these must be given extra consideration while storing. It’s a good idea to invest in a fireproof and waterproof safe/box for such items regardless of where they will be stored. Inside of this box, place items such as birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, wills, a copy of driver’s licenses, lifesaving prescriptions, an inventory of household valuables, and a list of all important accounts (such as bank, credit cards, and investments). Place this box in a secure location. It’s a good idea to also scan all of these documents to put on a disc that goes to your lawyer.
  • Documents for long term storage
    Some documents are not imperative to your health or well being in the face of a disaster, yet they should be held onto for a period of time. The best example of this can be found in tax returns. It’s advisable to retain returns, receipts, W-2 forms, and investment info for seven years. For these items, simple document storage boxes or plastic bins are adequate. Be sure to clearly label the exterior of the boxes with the corresponding years.
  • Active paperwork
    For documents that you only need to hold onto for a short period of time, use a file cabinet with hanging folders. Items such as bank statements, any kind of active policies, home and auto receipts and household manuals are prime candidates. Basically, anything that you may need to reference on a consistent basis should be kept in an easy to access file cabinet. Be sure to rotate out any old policies as new ones come in to keep your files tidy.
  • Keepsakes
    If you have any notes or photos that you want to preserve for nostalgic reasons, you might want to get an acid free box to ensure that the papers do not denigrate over time. Such boxes can be found in art or craft stores. If you have something of high value that you want to preserve, consult with a professional before you store it away. Time, oxygen & moisture can cause irreparable damage and you need to make sure precious documents are stored according to their needs.

If you’re looking for a safe, clean space to store your documents…be sure to contact your local Lock Up Self Storage facility.

Visit for more information.

The Lock Up Goes the Extra Mile with Free Move In Trucks

Lock Up Move In Truck 101

The Lock Up goes the extra mile when it comes to helping its tenants deal with moving. In fact, they do so literally. When you sign a new lease for a self storage unit with The Lock Up, they provide you with a move in truck for free. Yes, The Lock Up Self Storage will help gap the miles between moving your items from your home or office to your self storage unit for free. Read on for details.

With every new lease signed with The Lock Up Self Storage, you have access to their on site moving truck to move all of your items into your Lock Up unit. All you have to do is provide a valid driver’s license, proof of vehicle insurance and a $250 deposit, which is given back to you as soon as you return the moving truck.

The move in truck is a 14 footer, so there’s enough room to pack up one room comfortably in it. The trucks are all automatic transmissions, so you don’t have to know how to drive a stick. They are all equipped with a ramp in the back for easy loading and unloading, a dolly inside, and moving blankets to protect your items during transport.

Just because you’ve been a tenant of The Lock Up for a while doesn’t mean you can’t use the move in truck. Existing tenants can take advantage of the move in truck every time they sign a lease on a new unit. So say you have a unit already at The Lock Up, but find yourself in need of more storage space for a home renovation project. Sign a lease for a new unit to store your living room furniture in and you can use the move in truck for free.

There are morning or afternoon time slots for use of the truck at each location. You’ll have to check with the manager of your location for availability.

The next time you need a self storage unit, be sure to contact your nearest Lock Up Self Storage facility and take advantage of the convenient move in truck for free!

Go to for more information.

Helpful Hints: How to Move Heavy Items


We’ve all found ourselves in the position of having to move a heavy item at one point or another. Whether it’s moving furniture into a different room, removing an old appliance to make way for a new one, or moving out of your home, there are a few simple things to keep in mind to make your moving jobs easier. First and foremost, remember that using your brain more than your brawn can keep injuries at bay. Here are some tips on how to make moving heavy objects a breeze:

  • The cardinal rule of lifting: Lift with your legs, not with your back. A hurt back will keep you from lifting even the lightest of items, so it’s best to protect your biggest asset.
  • Remove jewelry and loose fitting clothing. In case there is an accident, you don’t want a heavy item to take you down with it!
  • Plan your route. Nothing is worse than finally getting an item to the doorway only to figure out that it won’t fit through.
  • Pushing is oftentimes easier than pulling.
  • Sliding items on the floor saves you from having to lift. Just be sure that the floor won’t get damaged while sliding. If you think it will get scratched, use an old towel or blanket underneath the item; doing so will also make the item slide more easily.
  • Dismantle it. For things such as dressers or desks, take the drawers out before you move it. If it can be taken apart into smaller parts, do it…you’ll be thankful you did at the end of the moving day.
  • To get a dolly under a heavy item when you’re by yourself, put the dolly against a wall and then walk the heavy item onto it…this will keep the dolly from falling over.
  • If you don’t have a dolly, get inventive! Skateboards or kid’s scooters can help in a pinch. For really large items, you can use lengths of pipes or poles. Roll the item over them, then as they become free, take them and place them in front again to keep the item moving forward.

Once you arrive at your Lock Up Self Storage location, you’ll have handcarts and dollies at your disposal. And with large elevators at every Lock Up, you won’t have to worry about navigating stairwells with your heavy items.

Do you have any tips for moving heavy items? Share them with us here!