Fall Closet Life Hacks

Woman wearing knee high winter boots standing next to a basket of autumn leaves on green grass

Storage and organizing are The Lock Up’s specialty. So, in the spirit of helping people get their lives organized, we’ve compiled five life hacks you can use as the season changes from summer to fall.

  • Hanging Clothes Switch Out
    All those summer dresses and light clothing hanging in your closet are taking precious space that you’re going to need for all your warmer winter clothes. But since this is an annual ritual, we suggest thinking about a long term solution. Don’t bother taking each item off its hanger and folding it for storage. Instead, buy a rolling clothes rack that has a cover. Simply pull all the hanging clothes you won’t be wearing for the next 6 (ack!) months, hang them on the rack and close up the cover and store in your basement, or better yet, in your Lock Up Self Storage unit.
  • Dresser Drawers Switch Out
    For those items that are already folded, you’ll want to reduce the amount of storage space they’ll take up. Plastic bins are a typical solution, but consider using the storage bags that you can vacuum seal. They keep out dirt and bugs, plus they flatten your items down to manageable sizes that you can stack on top of one another for easy storage. An added bonus is that they’re clear so you can see what’s inside.
  • Tall Fall Boots
    Tis the season for boots. That means floppy, unruly boots taking up floor space. We have two easy hacks for that. One is to stuff something inside each boot to make them stand upright. Old magazines work well, or if you’re feeling crafty, take a pool noodle and cut it to size. The other solution is for people with tons of closet space: take pants hangers and clip your boots onto them so you can hang them up and out of the way.
  • Last Season Salt Cleanse
    We’re not talking about a spa treatment for you…we’re talking about that problem you have when you pull out your cold weather shoes and boots only to find they’re stained white with unsightly road salt. Don’t fret. The solution is easy and you probably already have it in your kitchen…white vinegar. Simply moisten a clean cloth with some vinegar and wipe away last year’s muck.
  • Warm Your Feet
    As the temperatures begin to drop, consider this diy life hack to warm up your favorite shoes: take a piece of thick wool and cut out insole-sized pieces to place in your shoes. Your feet will thank you.

Have a fall closet life hack to share with us? We’d love to hear!

Need a place to store all your summer gear? The Lock Up’s here for you!