Digital Life Hacks


computer-desktopFor many of us, our computers have taken over large portions of our lives. If the old adage “Cluttered life, cluttered mind” is true, then we should take into account what a cluttered digital life might be doing to our psyche. Does your computer’s desktop overwhelm you? Are you in denial of your email’s Inbox number? The Lock Up Self Storage has some suggestions that will help you take control of your digital life storage that could very well clear up the anxieties you feel when you power up in the mornings.

  • Digital Desktop De-Clutter
    You know the picture you chose for your desktop background? When was the last time you were able to see it? A digital desktop should not act as a catchall for every screenshot, downloaded document or drafts of projects. Over time you’ll lose track of important things and unimportant things will turn into time zappers.
    Here is how to create a useful filing system on your desktop:

o   Create two main folders. Name them WORK and HOME. Within each folder begin creating main folders that describe major categories within each. For example, within WORK would be: DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS, etc; within HOME might be: BILLS, HOME IMPROVEMENT, RECIPES, PHOTOS, etc.
From this point, continue going through each folder and creating categories if needed. For example, in PHOTOS you might break it down to: FAMILY, FRIENDS, VACATIONS. Do what makes sense to you. You don’t want to get too specific, the idea here is to have broad categories that are broken into manageable sections. Once you get to the level of actual files, they will have specifics in the title so that you know what they are (like “Hawaii Vacation 2015”).
This creates your filing infrastructure. Begin going through each file on your desktop and placing it in the correct folder. Is it work or home? Is it a document, photo or video? Making a game out of it can make it seem less tedious & more fun. Once you get through all the items on your desktop, you’ll look forward to saving items to continue your fun filing game!

  • Tackle the Dreaded Inbox
    Your inbox tally is one that reflects your organizational skills. They can build into the thousands and at that point, they are mostly useless because you have no idea what you received when. Not to mention that marketing emails are probably the bulk of such high inbox numbers.
    Dealing with all those messages should be done in increments so that you don’t get too cranky. Take about 15-20 minutes every day and begin going through your emails, deciding which emails to Delete, which need Replies, and which ones you need to Archive (or File). Take a moment to learn about your email program’s Archive structure/procedure.
    After just a few days you’ll begin to notice your inbox numbers dwindling. Keep it up! This can really help to keep your inbox tidy and, dare we say it…your number at Zero. Well, maybe that’s asking a bit too much, but between 20-30 is a way more manageable inbox than 1,547, isn’t it?

If you have other tips for managing your digital life, we’d love to hear them!

And if you’re looking for a place to store your real life goodies, be sure to visit us at


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